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HomeMembership Benefits


    We invite you to join us today. Annual membership in The L.C. Smith Collectors Association is $50. Life membership is $750. Click here to join.

    If you prefer to pay for your membership with a check, you will have that choice when you get to the payment screen.


As a member you receive The L.C. Smith Journal, the official publication of the L.C. Smith Collectors Association. Published quarterly (March, June, September, and December), it is the forum for the organization. Articles about collecting L.C. Smith shotguns and information about individual shotguns, grades, options, accessories, the company, or its employees are featured. Some articles call on you to help with the research by measuring or noting details about shotguns in your collection. Other articles are about hunting and shooting L.C. Smith double guns and single barrel trap guns. Shooting and collecting events of special interest to the members are presented.
As a member, you have access to the Members Only Forum on this website where you can post L.C. Smiths for Sale and see what other members are offering. You also have access to additional content in various areas.

Another benefit of membership is the reduced cost of a Research Letter. The Research Division of the L.C. Smith Collectors Association will search the factory production records for information on individual shotguns and provide all of the existing information in a letter. The cost for members is $50 while non-members pay $75.


As a member you may request basic information about an L.C. Smith, such as barrel length or options, at no cost (basic information does not include date of manufacture). For a Quick Serial Number Check, e-mail the serial number and your questions to the Research Division at You will receive a reply by email. This benefit is especially valuable if you’re thinking about buying an L.C. Smith shotgun and wonder, for example, whether the barrels are the original length. It’s useful, too, if you’d like to know more about Granddad’s shotgun or a Smith you’ve just acquired.

Membership Benefits